How Diabetes Can Cause Weight Gain


Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, and it is also one of the medical conditions that make it hard to lose weight. Let’s find out in this article how diabetes can cause weight gain to help you in your wellness journey!

The Link Between Diabetes and Weight Gain

1. Insulin Resistance and Weight Gain

Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. People with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance which means their body’s cells do not respond effectively to insulin. To balance, the pancreas produces more insulin which leads to higher insulin levels in the blood.

Impact on Weight: High levels of insulin can boost fat storage, especially around the abdomen which leads to weight gain. This is because insulin encourages the body to store excess glucose as fat.

2. Medications and Weight Gain

There are certain medications for diabetes that can cause weight gain such as insulin therapy and some oral hypoglycemic agents.

  • Insulin Therapy: While insulin is essential for controlling blood sugar levels, it can also cause weight gain. Insulin boosts the storage of glucose as fat which means the better control of blood sugar, the more glucose is available to be stored.
  • Sulfonylureas: These oral medications stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin and just like insulin therapy, this can cause weight gain due to increased insulin levels.

3. Hypoglycemia and Overeating

People with diabetes often have episodes of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. To treat hypoglycemia, consuming sugary foods or drinks is recommended. However, overconsuming these sugary foods can potentially lead to an increase in calorie intake.

Impact on Weight: Frequent consumption of high-calorie foods to manage hypoglycemia can contribute to weight gain over time. Remember, take everything in moderation!

4. Metabolic Changes

Diabetes can alter the body’s metabolism which affects how the body processes and stores energy. This can result in changes in fat distribution and can potentially make you gain weight.

Impact on Weight: Even with dietary measures, it may be hard to lose weight due to metabolic changes.

Managing Diabetes and Weight Gain

While this article focuses on how diabetes can cause weight gain, managing weight is an important factor in diabetes care. Maintaining a healthy weight helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of complications.

Understanding the factors that can cause weight gain is important in every wellness journey. By identifying these factors, you can take proactive steps to manage your weight and enhance your overall health. Marie France experts can help tailor a holistic approach to your weight management. Book your FREE consultation today!


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